

Hello, world! I’m Akshay K., the proud creator of this blog. By profession, I am employed in the field of IT within a bank’s Innovation Lab team. While working and meeting new people everyday, I came across an incredible crew of like-minded individuals, each playing different roles in the financial industry. We decided to build this blog to share our passion for technology and innovation.

From the latest fintech trends to the emerging technonologies, we aim to bring you the latest news curated by us.

But this blog isn’t just about us. It’s about a community of individuals who believe in the power of technology to transform lives. It’s about you, our readers, who join us in our quest for innovation. Together, we’re not just observers of the future; we’re its creators.

So, thank you for stopping by. Let’s explore, dream, and innovate together.


I saw this quote in the lift of a hotel in Dubai. And it inspired me to read more and also share more.